August Content

Here is your Social Media content calendar for August 2022.

Mon Aug 1

Furniture can be expensive to replace so here are 6 things you can do to look after it and make it last:

🛋️ Keep screws tight and secure: Failure to tighten the screws in the bed and chair can lead to permanent damage. Tighten the screws regularly depending on how often they become loose.

🛋️ Keep it neat and tidy: Dirt and dust will make your furniture look old and faded. Clean furniture regularly using natural cleaners by wiping it with a clean damp cloth.

🛋️ Polish the wood: Polish wood furniture to reduce uneven textures and protect it from regular wear and tear.

🛋️ Avoid direct exposure to sunlight: Protect furniture by placing them in parts of the room that the sun's rays do not reach. Use blinds and curtains to reduce direct exposure.

🛋️ Be careful while moving it: When moving furniture, lift it carefully and avoid dragging it around to prevent damaging the floor and straining the furniture legs.

🛋️ Restore or refinish: Regain the value of old furniture by restoring or refinishing it to help make damaged, worn-out pieces with bumps and scrapes pristine again.

How do you look after your furniture?

Tue Aug 2

If you are getting set to re-model your kitchen then remember these three things.

#kitchens #kitchenremodel #kitchenrenovation

Wed Aug 3

If you are looking to make a room look bigger in your house then try these hacks:

🏠 Use mirrors to open up the space and add more light.

🏠 Cut the clutter to allow the space to feel orderly and open.

🏠 Add more natural light or add creative lighting that will make the place look bigger.

🏠 Paint your walls light and bright as that makes them more reflective, making a space feel open and airy.

🏠 Make sure your furniture fits the space- remove any if you have to.

How do you make your rooms look bigger?

Thu Aug 4

#StagingTip A fresh coat of paint makes a huge difference in a property- that's because it brighten's a room and can make it look bigger, plus it give an impression of a well kept home.

Fri Aug 5

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. 😂 Happy Beer Day!


Sat Aug 6

Struggling to get a good nights sleep? Here are 6 things you can do:

Stick to a sleep schedule. Set aside no more than eight hours for sleep

Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Don't go to bed hungry or stuffed

Create a restful environment. Keep your room cool, dark and quiet.

Limit daytime naps.

Include physical activity in your daily routine.

No screen time- make sure you hide your phone away at least an hour before bed.

Sun Aug 7

#HomeHack If you have fingerprints all over your stainless steel appliances and splashbacks then you can remove them easily with baby oil.

Mon Aug 8

Happy Cat Day! Here are 5 reasons why they are amazing fur buddies.

Tue Aug 9

Smart home features are increasingly popular with buyers. Here are 6 things they want devices to be able to do:

🏠 Turn the heating on

🏠 Turn the lights on

🏠 Turn the TV on

🏠 Play music

🏠 Turn the shower on

🏠 Make coffee

What does your smart home do?

Wed Aug 10

Have you done your August chores yet? Here are a few things to add to your list:

🏠 Inspect your roof before the colder weather gets here.

🏠 Tidy your garden shrubs and bushes, removing any dead plants and leaves.

🏠 Clean your outdoor stone surfaces, decking and patios.

🏠 Paint your fences and garage door ahead of Autumn arriving.

What's on your list this month?

Thur Aug 11

Moving home is challenging- especially when there are kids involved. However, here are 4 ways you can make it fun for them:

🏠 Make it exciting: Make a countdown to the big day with a big, colorful calendar, and show why this will be an adventure.

🏠 Map out their rooms: Let them draw out a map of their room and ask them to visualize how and where they will place their belongings. Mapping out their room is fun, and they’ll feel independent and excited to move.

🏠 Decorate the moving boxes: They can also help with decorating some of the boxes that they’ve helped you pack. Give them some markers, crayons, and decorative tape or stickers and let them go wild!

🏠 Create a treasure box: Your kids need to feel at home the minute they arrive at the new house. A fun way to do so is having them prepare a treasure box which is a box with their favourite items.

How did you help your kids move?

Fri Aug 12

#DesignTip An easy way to transform a wall in a room is by adding paneling which will give you an instant feel of elegance and style.

Sat Aug 13

When selling a house a lot of vendors forget about their garden which can have a huge impact on potential buyers. 

Here are 5 garden ideas that will help sell your house:

🏠 Mow your lawn and trim and tidy your bushes and shrubs.

🏠 Power wash your drive, patios and decking.

🏠 Paint any fences

🏠 Paint your front and garage doors.

🏠 Add some colour to your garden with bedding plants or large pots filled with pretty flowers.

🏠 Hide your bins by buying a bin store.

Sun Aug 14

Our #SummerMood is still very much by the sea. What says Summer to you? Tell us in the comments section below.

Mon Aug 15

#MondayMotivation "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."

Tue Aug 16

#HomeHack There are so many things you can do with left over jars- have you tried any of these?

Wed Aug 17

It's back to school this month- have you got your kids everything on this checklist?

🏫 School uniform

🏫 Bag

🏫 Pencil case

🏫 Pens, pencils, highlighter pens, eraser

🏫 Lunch box

🏫 Calculator

🏫 Notebooks

🏫 Folders

🏫 Binders

What's on your back to school list? Tell us in the comments section below.


Thu Aug 18

#StagingTips When hanging pictures in your rooms, group smaller, similar types of art together to make the biggest impact. Also, always hang them eye level.

Fri Aug 19

Let's be honest- keeping a house clean and tidy isn't top of anyone's to do list but it's important to stay on top of things.

Here are a few things you can do daily to keep your place looking great:

✔️ Make your bed

✔️ Empty & load dishwasher

✔️ Clean as you go

✔️ Do small loads of laundry

✔️ Tidy away your clothes

✔️ Sweep or mop the floors

✔️ Take out the recycling

What's on your cleaning checklist?

Sat Aug 20

What's on your weekend to do list? 😂

Sun Aug 21

On World Entrepreneur Day here is to all the business owners desperately trying to reach Inbox Zero 😂


Mon Aug 22

A day without coffee is like... wait, why would anyone start a day without coffee? 

Tue Aug 23

#TuesdayTips Here are 5 things you can do to make sure your bedroom is cozy and comfortable.

Wed Aug 24

So true 😂😂

Thu Aug 25

#DesignTips When you are moving to a new home then make sure your dining table fits the space. If your table is too large then it can ruin a dining room.

Fri Aug 26

#StagingTip Remember your toilet etiquette by always keeping your lid down as it can put buyers off if it remains up.

Sat Aug 27

#HomeHack For healthy looking grass then make sure the blades on your mower are sharp- you want to cut the lawn, not tear it.

Sun Aug 28

Today's mood- soft and warm!

Mon Aug 29

#MondayMotivation "Celebrate every win, no matter how small."

Tue Aug 30

#TuesdayTips If you have any outstanding DIY projects that you need to complete then make sure they are done before potential buyers tour your home.

Wed Aug 31

It's one of our favorite days of the month but what do you do on Pay Day? Check out our 7 suggestions.

💰 Understand Your Expenses & Prioritize

💰 Pay all fixed bills, housing bill, and variable bills

💰 Create An Emergency Fund

💰 Use A Personal Financial App

💰 Reward yourself immediately

💰 Make big purchases at the end of the pay period

💰 Check how your finances held up last month

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