September Content

Here is your Social Media content calendar for September 2022.

Thur Sep 1

Hello September! The year is flying by but there is still time to sell your home before Christmas.

#September #SellingHomes

Fri Sep 2

Whether you’re a lifetime renter, or you just need a place to stay while you house hunt for your dream house, we think it’s still important to show your home some love. 

Just because you don’t own the property doesn’t mean you can’t have it nice. Here are 9 things you can do to make sure your pad is perfect:

Always Ask for Permission: First thing’s first and if you intend decorating your rented space then before you go ahead with any decorating or lasting changes then please ask your landlord if it’s ok first because you don’t want to lose your deposit.

🏠 Paint the Walls: The cheapest and easiest way to transform your rental is to paint the place. Stay away from bold colours and instead stick to neutral colours that make the property look light and bright. A freshly painted property will not only look good but feel fresh and clean too.

🏠Put Down a Rug: If you are a bit fed up with the flooring in your rented apartment or house then one of the best things to do without breaking the bank it to buy an oversized rug that will tie your room together. Plus, when you leave, you can take it with you.

🏠 Accessorise: One of the best ways of making your rented accommodation feel more like your own home is to accessorise. Buy cushions, throws, mirrors, plants and ornaments and dot them all about the place to make it feel more homely.

🏠 Use Bookcases Instead of Shelves: Try not to put up shelves in your rental because that will leave big holes in the walls and that might mean you not getting your deposit back. Instead use free standing shelves or bookcases to store your things.

🏠 Buy Some Statement Furniture: Ok so maybe you can’t do much with your surroundings or your landlord isn’t keen on you decorating, well that doesn’t mean you still can’t transform the property by adding some statement furniture to it. Buy a bed with an oversized headboard, invest in a sofa that you can also take with you to your next place or pick up some cabinets or side tables that will make you feel at home while keeping the landlord happy.

It can be easy to put your own stamp on your rented accommodation when you know how! Just simple changes can make a huge difference to the look and feel of the place and allow you to feel more at home in a property you don’t own.

Sat Sep 3

#TipOfTheDay People are often buying into a lifestyle as much as a property. Show them the attractive side of your lifestyle and show people how amazing it would be to live in your property.

Sun Sep 4

What's on your September chores list? Here are 4 things to include this month as we head into Autumn:

🍂 Rake leaves and aerate the lawn

🍂 Drain and store hoses

🍂 Inspect roofing for missing, loose or damaged tiles

🍂 Clean out your gutters before winter rain gets here

Mon Sep 5

Important tip for buyers! Before you start home shopping it's essential you get pre-approved and have a mortgage decision in principal in place. This means a lender is willing to loan you the money you need and it shows and estate agent you are a serious buyer. 

Tue Sep 6

If you are looking to apply for a mortgage this year then there are four key things to remember:

✔️Check out your credit score: If you have a good score then you are more likely to be approved for a mortgage that has good terms and conditions.

✔️Sit down and work out your budget: Make sure you know your finances and you have the extra money you need over and above the mortgage required for the property.

✔️Have proof of income: When applying for a mortgage it's crucial you can prove what you earn so that you can illustrate you can comfortably make the repayments.

✔️Get professional help: If you can then please consult a mortgage broker or advisor as they will guide you through the whole process which will mean a huge weight being lifted from your shoulders.

If you would like any advice on applying for a mortgage then please get in touch today!

#mortgageadvice #buyingahome

Wed Sep 7

#HomeHack Polish your taps with wax paper to get rid of any water spots.

Thur Sep 8

What is home equity? This is a question we get asked a lot.

Home equity is the difference between what you owe on your mortgage and the current value of your property. In simple terms, equity is how much of your home that you “own”.

Do you know how much equity you have in your home?

It can be a great financial tool that you can use to help pay for big expenses like a home renovations, high-interest debt consolidation or other expenses. If you need a large amount of cash, you may want to consider borrowing some of the equity you have built up in your home.

Friday Sep 9

Three tips to keep your house smelling good even if you have pets.

Sat Sep10

#HomeStagingTip Your entrance hall is super important as you want to give buyers a great first impression when they walk through your front door. Make sure it's tidy and smells nice.

Sun Sep 11

#TipOfTheDay When decorating your rooms it can be easy to forget about painting your radiators or buying covers for them. An ugly or old looking heater can really put a dampener on a room.

Mon Sep 12

Are you a bit fed up with your home? If so then here are 4 ways to fall back in love with your property again.

🏠 Make it scentsational. Use candles, wax melters or diffusors to add inviting smells to your home

🏠 Add some new soft furnishings to add a pop of new colour to the room

🏠 Rearrange the furniture in your rooms to give them a completely new feel

🏠 Buy new lamps or brighten your bulbs to give then place a new ambience

Tuesday Sep 13

A quick way to change the look and feel of your living room is by changing out your cushions. #DesignTip

Wed Sep 14

#HomeSellerTip Buyers love to see natural light that comes from the outside of a house. Pull back the curtains and wash your windows to let light in.

Thur Sep 15

When you buy your first home, the list of maintenance can seem overwhelming. Most items on your list only need to be done once or twice a year.

Creating a list and how often maintenance is performed can help you to keep track so that you can keep your home running at its best.

Fri Sep 16

#HomeHack One of the quickest tricks to make your rooms look bigger and brighter is by using mirrors. 

Sat Sep17

Selling your home is an exciting time, but it’s no time to get complacent and just expect offers to come rolling in 💪

Here are 5 things you should expect after your home hits the market:

📱 Pictures v Reality: Your home needs to closely resemble its listing photos as much as possible, so take this time to get rid of clutter to pique buyers’ interest and make rooms look as spacious as possible

🖼 Criticism: Your taste isn’t the same as everyone else’s so prepare for your home to be critiqued. Don’t take it personally, though. Take it as constructive criticism and use it to best prepare your home for selling.

🖌 Repairs: They say never judge a book by its cover but this isn’t always true when it comes to your home. If it isn’t up to scratch, you won’t get offers. Simple things like gardening, small repairs and a lick of paint can make a big difference so pick up those brushes!

🕛 Schedule: You’ll find you’ll have to chop and change plans to accommodate viewers and also factor in no-shows, so be prepared to be as flexible as you can

💷 Expenses: If you're selling your home to purchase another, you need to take into considering addition costs i.e. energy performance certificates, final bills and removals.

Thinking of selling? Get in touch today for some free advice.


Sun Sep 18

Woohoo! We can finally cosy up and crack out the Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Here is a quick recipe:


Whole milk

Strongly brewed coffee

Pumpkin puree

Real vanilla extract


Ground cinnamon

Cinnamon sticks


Combine the milk and coffee in a pot.

Whip together the pumpkin, vanilla, sugar and cinnamon.

Pour mixture into the pot

Stir everything together and then toss in 3-4 cinnamon sticks

Cover the pot, and cook on high for 2 hours

Enjoy your cuppa

Mon Sep 19

#HomeStagingSecrets New pillows and throws can quickly change the look and feel of your bedroom.

Tue Sep 20

It's important to hire an Estate Agent who showcases their listings using the best professional photography because good marketing will lead to a great offer.

Wed Sep 21

Are you wanting to buy a house this year? Here are four things you can do to help you landing that dream home:

✔️ Each month transfer a fixed amount into your savings account

✔️ Break down housing costs and know what they are

✔️ Trim your expenses as much as you can and that includes cutting out costly memberships and booking expensive vacations

✔️ Find our your credit score and improve it

Saving for a house can take time but it's well worth it when you own your own property.

#firsthome #firsthomebuyer #sellinghomes

Thur Sep 22

#TipOfTheDay Minimalist homes sell quicker than cluttered properties because buyers can see themselves living there easily. It's the cheapest and easiest thing you can do that will make a difference when selling your home.

Fri Sep 23

Hello Autumn, we've been expecting you. Time to look out our cosy sweaters and snuggle up with a hot cuppa!

Sat Sep 24

The first night in your new home is mega exciting. Don't forget to pack a few easy to reach essentials in a bag to make it go smoothly.

Things to include are:

✔️ Cutlery

✔️ Snacks

✔️ Toilet Paper

✔️ Toiletries

✔️ Bottled water

✔️ Cleaning wipes

✔️ Batteries

✔️ Sheets and pillows for the beds

✔️ Trash bags

✔️ First aid kit

What would you pack for the first night in a new house?

Sun Sep 25

Do you need some Pumpkin Spiced Real Estate advice? Get in contact today!

Mon Sep 26

Saving for a deposit on a home? Then the ideal thing to do is save at least 20% of your income every month.

Tue Sep 27

6 Tips to help you sell your home faster.

Wed Sep 28

#DesignTips If you have a room with a fireplace in it then this is the ideal time of year to make a lovely feature of it.

Thur Sep 29

Downsizing is becoming increasingly popular and can often make practical and financial sense if your home is too big or is too costly to run

🏠 If you’re looking to move into a smaller home, here are 5 things to consider:

👀 Look to the future: You need to look at exactly what you’ll need, so consider location, amenities, ‘hobby’ rooms and space for when family come to stay.

♻ Declutter: Be ruthless and donate or sell off things you know you won’t use. Don’t sit on the fence and take stuff with you - you’ll only end up cluttering up your smaller space.

📏 A good fit: Measure the furniture you’re taking and also the rooms they’ll be going into. There’s nothing more frustrating than carting it all to your new home only to find it doesn’t fit.

🛋 Move around: With less room to experiment with, be prepared to rearrange the furniture you have a lot until it feels right for you.

🍷 Housewarming: Once things are set the way you want them, get your loved ones around for dinner or drinks. Having the people around you that are the most important in your life will put you at ease straight away.

Fri Sep 30

#HomeSellerTip As soon as your house hits the market then it's time to start packing. Don't leave it to the last minute as it will become stressful.

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