Would You Rather?

If you had to, would you rather give up pasta or pizza?

Would you rather watch the sun rise or set?

Would you rather eat pancakes or waffles for breakfast?

Would you rather workout at home or go to the gym?

Would you rather take dancing or cooking lessons?

Would you rather have a coffee first thing or tea before bed?

Would you rather fly first class or get free restaurant food for the rest of your life?

Would you rather fly first class or get free restaurant food for the rest of your life?

Would you rather shop online or hit the shopping mall with friends?

Would you rather fly or be invisible if you had a super power?

You can add a call to action button to download something or to start with the first course

You can add a call to action button to download something or to start with the first course

You can add a call to action button to download something or to start with the first course

You can add a call to action button to download something or to start with the first course

Would you rather read minds or be able to see the future?

Would you rather win a new holiday or a brand new car?

Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?

Would you rather have a private chef or a personal driver?

Would you rather give up chocolate for life or give up wine?

Would you rather give up pizza for life or ice cream?

Would you rather travel to the moon or to the bottom of the ocean?

Would you rather speak all languages in the world or be able to speak to animals?

Would you rather give up sugar treats or carbs?

Would you rather have more time or more money?

Would you rather holiday on a beach or go camping?

Would you rather live in the quiet countryside or live in the bustling city?

Would you rather get a conservatory or a garage conversion?

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